I’m Pretty Sure I’ve been Tagged

I think I’ve been tagged. Wow. I’ve been tagged! How cool!

I don’t know what being tagged is.

Ahem. Apparently, I’m supposed to answer a bunch of questions. I’m also supposed to thank the person who tagged me. *sigh* I don’t want to be cliche… Jess of TheArtfulAuthor.wordpress.com

I like your boots.

Now onward. To reveal the personal and private details of my life. Or something. I’m really don’t have a clue about this sort of thing.


M&Ms or Skittles?

Um, duh, M&Ms. They’re chocolate. Need I say more? I needn’t.

Read the book, or watch the movie first?


Now before the book-lovers start hating on me, let me explain why I like watching the movie first. What if the movie is totally off,  like Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel? If you’ve read the book first, then you can’t enjoy the movie, because all you’re able to think about is how much Emmaline Harris needs to jump in a lake. If you watch the movie first, you can fervently wish for Emmaline to disappear, and then when you read the book afterwards and learn that she’s not even real, it will make you that much happier.

I know my logic is slightly weird, but oh well.

(How much do you want to bet that in the comments, Mop is going to say, “But dear, you are weird.”)

Winter or Summer?


What little things make you super happy?

Uh…my cat’s fat belly… Does that count? I say it counts. It’s all warm and squishy. Reminds me of walrus blubber.


Do you enjoy writing villains or heroes more?


Does that answer your question?

What is your dream job? (Anything under the sun, past, present, future, fantasy, anything.)

Y’all are probably expecting me to say I want to be an Elf, but that, my dearest dears, is incorrect.

I already am an Elf.

So I will say Weta Workshop in New Zealand. You know, the place that made all the swords and armor and severed orc heads for Lord of the Rings. I think making orc heads sounds incredibly fun.


If you had to choose one fictional world to live in for the rest of your life, where would you go?

I choose to be a world-traveler and live in all of them.

What is the best joke you’ve ever played on someone? (But if you don’t want to answer this, you could tell me whether sunsets or sunrises are better.)

Let’s talk about sunsets and sunrises.

*cough cough* Ahem. *disdainful sniff* I don’t play jokes on people. I just burn them with my sizzling wit. *chokes* Um. Well. Hang on a second. Hmm.

There was this one time that I told Mop the same lame joke every day for two weeks. She has a very bad memory (seriously, sometimes she can’t even remember how Lord of the Rings ends), and fell for it every single time.

You wouldn’t believe how much gleeful pleasure I get from that one.

Do you prefer 1st person or 3rd person for writing and/or reading?


Favorite song ever?

“Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star.”

Actually, I don’t have a favorite song… I don’t really listen to much music… Maybe this? I dunno. You tell me.


What is your favorite hour of the day?


I’m so helpful, I know.


Hopefully I did that right. Now, apparently, I’m supposed to tag bloggers I know.

I don’t know any bloggers.

I am really terrible at this.

So I guess if you have a blog, you can consider yourself…tagged. Or something. I don’t know.

Go away.




22 thoughts on “I’m Pretty Sure I’ve been Tagged

  1. Emmaline Harris drives you mad too? Whee! I haven’t even read the books. Maybe one or two. So I don’t know the difference. 😀
    I would point out however that if you watch movies first, what about the characters who ARE in the book too? Then you’ll get your perception all wrong, and won’t get your first impressions from the book, how they’re S’POSED to be. (Unless the movie did a good job representing them. I like those.) Case in point: Javert from the 1998 movie of Les Miserables. SO. AWFUL. Book Javert just makes me rant all day because he’s so awesome, but this Javert? Not even CLOSE. He was good for the character he played in the movie, but he was. not. my. Javert.

    For someone you know about—think Aragorn. Book Aragorn is SO. MUCH. BETTER. As I’m realizing more and more as I read the books again. And Peter Pevensie—book. He is so bad in the movies, PC at least.

    So. How do you deal with that?

    Of course, there are the cases in which the movie representation is even BETTER than the book one (Thorin, Eustace, more)…and then, well, I can’t really argue one way or the other.

    Ahem. *hides*


    1. WHOA. W-w-wait, I’ve read a classic BEFORE YOU? I need to stop and take in this moment. Is this how you feel all the time, being so much better read than all of us poor minions? 😉

      Well, yeah, but if you watch the movie first, you can read the book afterwards and think, “Wow, this character is so much better!” If you read the book and THEN watch the movie, the entire thing gets spoiled because all you can think about is how much better that character was in the book. And with the movies first, you can go for the greater part of your life blissfully unaware of Tom Bombadil’s existence.

      …I liked Aragorn better in the movies… *ducks face in shame* Please don’t melt me. And Peter…Peter was different. No disputing. But I think…*lowers voice for confession* I always kind of thought him being a brat in PC was slightly more realistic than him willingly handing over his reign to someone he hardly knew. *cringes*

      But I wholeheartedly agree: Thorin and Eustace all the way. And Gimli. 😀


      1. I know. It’s shaming. XD

        Yeah…you’re right. But that only works if you didn’t LIKE the character how it was in the movie; the character might have been a good character, but just not the SAME as the book one. You then would have liked both, but when you read the book one you’d have the movie one floating around in your head, and it might mess up your perception of the book character. It’s awful. The problem is learning to appreciate the movie for what it is, OUTSIDE of the book. At least for me. *mope*
        (Oh, as an aside—in that 1998 Les Mis, Jean Valjean however was almost spot-on; and he was played by Liam Neeson. 😀 Which doesn’t tell you much, as you don’t know Jean Valjean. But…Liam Neeson.)

        Melt you? I’m not Dragon Snapper. XD
        BUT WHY? He’s not even very well acted. The Aragorn in the book is so kind, and nice, and gentle, and caring…not to say movie A isn’t, but not in the same way. I freely admit that book A has a little too much of the ‘fair and tall and— *waves hands descriptively* all that stuff typical of Tolkien Men’ for my liking. It annoys me, ’cause all the good guys have it. But he’s so…sweet. He’s not even really the same guy. So I guess this is a case of liking it for what it is, eh? Except you do that, to the TOPPING of book A. I find that sad. Oh well.
        Peter. That being more realistic… *hands you the mic* Well, I agree. You’re absolutely right. 😛 Except for one thing, that in the book, Peter was ALWAYS a sweetheart, as far as I remember; he was so good he wouldn’t even have had trouble handing over the throne. Hard as that seems. He must’ve been perfect. XD
        But I digress. (Also it’s been FOREVER since I’ve read the books, so I might be wrong. I have been known to make mistakes, from time–to time. 😀 )

        *goes away*


        1. TRUE. Like Faramir. I guess I’m extremely fortunate in the fact that I’m able to ignore preconceptions if I need to and look at movie and book as two entirely different things. And hey, I know enough about Jean Valjean. We listened to the Focus on the Family radio drama of Les Mis, which probably left out most of the book, but it at least gave me an idea of the story. And Liam Neeson—*grins* Aslan…

          Well, I did read LOTR a while ago, so maybe I’m forgetting how good he was. But I seem to remember that he had no struggles at all. The thing about the movie that I liked was that they gave him a REASON (or half of a reason… XD )for not wanting to be king, whereas in the book, he was just hanging out in the north while Gondor destroyed itself. Honestly though, I really didn’t notice that much difference between the two versions. Maybe I need to read it again.

          Come to think of it, I wholeheartedly agree about Peter. He WAS a sweetie in the books, perfectly capable of handing over his kingdom when required. I guess this is just another instance of appreciating book and movie as separate things. (Honestly, PC was so different from the book that you kind of have to…) 🙂


          1. Sarah,
            The Focus on the Family audio drama of Les Mis was not like the book. Please read the book. Jean Vajean and Javert are epic characters. I love both of them, but I really feel for Eponine. Of course, if you don’t want to spend an hour reading about nuns in a convent or other real information and just want to get on with the story *ducks head sheepishly and hides face with thick volume in hand* , then you can skip those parts. I do suggest reading about Waterloo, though, as there is an important part in it for the story.
            To be fair to the producers of movies trying to accurately portray Les Mis, it is a HUGE book for a two hour film. You can’t get it all in there.

            Aragorn is better in the books. Hands down. I cringe every time I see his greasy hair and the romance that is barely mentioned in the story and has a brief description in the appendix.

            In truth, I agree with both of you. You are quite right about Emmaline in Anne of Green Gables. You want to watch the movies first, which is what I did, but I also think you should read the Narnia series and LOTR first. I agree that it can detract from your pleasant watching experience, but watching the movie first can also spoil your good reading experience, and I’d much rather spoil my watching experience, as it tends to be shorter lived.
            I hope you have a blessed day!



            1. Ah yes, Emma’s been trying to get me to read the book too. And I will. Eventually. 😉 I just have to get through the Silmarillion first. What someone really just needs to do is make a mini-series of Les Mis. That could get it all in there, I’m sure.

              Yeah, the greasy hair is a drawback. Unfortunately, Rangers don’t seem to have the self-cleaning hair that Legolas does. XD

              I got the best of both worlds with this, because I read Narnia first and watched LotR first. So I got to experience the best of both worlds. 😉 Actually, I probably would encourage someone to read LotR first, because if you don’t know what’s going on, the movies can be VERY confusing.


              1. I agree. I am actually in the middle, or beginning middle, of Silmarillion. It is very interesting, especially how the dwarves came into being. And yes, Legolas’ hair always seems to be clean, even when he has been running straight for three days, which is something you don’t get unless you read the book.

                Liked by 1 person

              2. *tries to make herself remember all the points she was going to make*

                First of all: I have heard of the Les Mis radio drama, but have not heard it. I doubt it is very accurate. XD
                Aslan did Jean Valjean so sweetly. 😀 (He is a SWEET character.)
                Sarah, you must not skip anything in the Les Mis book. You just don’t do that with classics, no matter how boring. *bristling Gandalf eyebrows* I’m sorry, Bethia. 😛
                *sigh* But you can if you really want to, I guess. You just won’t have my approval. *goes away quite meekly*
                AND YES, Les Mis needs a miniseries. I think there actually is one, but it’s in French. Not BBC.

                Aragorn: his greasy hair isn’t what bothers me. That’s actually kind of realistic anyway—going in the wild for weeks on end with no showers!—and the book never said he didn’t have greasy hair. 😛 I also don’t mind the Aragorn and Arwen romance being added on from the books. The material was there, just not expounded on. I don’t love all of it, but I don’t dislike it. *shrug*
                Sarah, what reason did the movie give him for not wanting to be king?! I’m always rooting for Boromir in their arguments, esp. when B’s trying to get A to live up to his name, ’cause A has no. good. reason. for shirking his duty. XD WHAT WAS IT?
                And, no struggles in the book—yeah, that kind of bugs me too. Or rather, bugged me; ’cause now I’m reading it again I’m seeing he’s not QUITE as flawless as I remember. Aragorn in the books isn’t really a relatable character, he’s an epic one. But I have noticed a struggle he has, and I love it because I struggle with that on a smaller level sometimes too. He’s worried about his decisions—he’s afraid of things that happened to others because of some choice he made, and then he’s afraid to make new choices for fear he’d make the wrong one and hurt people again. He’s helpless without Gandalf, basically. XD That’s what he thinks. He’s a sweetheart. It’s crazy, ’cause in the movie he’s an ISTP or something; in the book he’s like and ENFJ, which is totally opposite.
                BUT. I can see reason still in liking the movie Aragorn. Just not as much. 😉


                1. But it’s FOCUS ON THE FAMILY, for pity sake. Everything they do is accurate. 😀 No, actually, they probably had to leave a bunch of stuff out because of, you know, time constraints. Don’t worry, I’m not going to skip anything when I read the book.

                  But see, that was his problem in the movies too! Only it was expounded on a bit. He didn’t want to hurt anyone with the choices he made. He thought he was too weak to be trusted with a fellowship, let alone a country. He didn’t want to become king because he was worried that he’d make the same mistakes that Isildur did and lead his people into darkness. Remember that scene when Arwen said, “Why do you fear the past? You are Isildur’s heir, not Isildur himself. You do not share his fate.”

                  To which Aragorn said, “The same blood flows in my veins. Same weakness.”

                  I think need to read the book again.


                  1. OH LOOK, IT’S THERE AFTER ALL! I despise it when I lose long writing, and I was ready to come weep with you. But, there it is now. So. We be happy.

                    Argh I know, time constraints.
                    Well good. *relaxes bristling eyebrows*

                    Ohhhhkay, I do remember that. Yes. I think I need to watch the movies again. 😛 Well, I still like book Aragorn better, but…I never said I DESPISED movie Aragorn. It’s just…his mediocre acting (not bad—just not top-notch compared to most of the cast), and…his voice is kinda weird. XD And I liked booky better. Oh well. I should watch the movies again.


                    1. AHHH!!! IT IS THERE! That’s such a relief. Now I don’t have to type it all out again.

                      His voice is kinda weird… XD XD XD Won’t dispute you there. And the consensus is…

                      You need to watch the movies again and I need to read the book again. There. 🙂


  2. Hey Sarah,
    So, I come from a military background, and 13:00 is a real time. It is 1 o’clock in the afternoon. You say it like this: thirteen hundred hours. It’s really weird and takes some getting used to, especially when your brother, who is training to be a submariner, says chow time will be in two hundred hours. That actually means it will be time to eat in two hours. He may be getting it wrong. Anyways, 13:00 is a real time.



    1. Ah, yes, I was waiting for someone to say something like this. I realized after I wrote it that yes, 13:00 IS a real time. Oh well. I like 1 o’ clock too.
      And that’s pretty cool, that your brother is training to be a submariner! 🙂


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